Monday, August 31, 2009

Rats Aren't Fruit?

This image shows an artistic perception of science as a heartless discipline where a living, breathing creature is seen as nothing more than a means to an end. Showing the insides of this mouse as a kiwi represents a feeling of contempt for the treatment of animals in some scientific laboratories that is assumed by the artist.

While, unfortunately, this image is true in some cases (I have a friend whose sister's whole job is to gas pregnant mice, cut out the fetuses, and then cut out the fetuses' brains), many would argue that these methods, though unpleasant, are a necessary evil to develop better treatments for humans. Compared to human lives, these animals have to be seen as less important, and if these experiments can help to save thousands of people, then the sacrifices will all have been worth it.

People on both sides of the fence are very passionate about this issue. The argument about animal testing has raged for years, and this blog post is by no means going to hit on all of the issues. But the way I see it, it all boils down to one question: Are scientists uncaring because they are willing to test on animals, or do they care too much because they are willing to do whatever it takes to end human suffering?

By the way, I forgot to add this earlier but the citation for the picture is below.

IZasPie. "Kiwi Rat." IZasPie Videos. 02 Feb 2008. 3 Sept 2009.

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