Sunday, November 29, 2009

It doesn't prove anything.

Everyone has a major breakthrough in their life when it comes to making any decision. For me, it actually happened a few years ago, but this class helped reinforce that with more knowledge of evolution and intelligent design. I had heard all of the arguments in church and home from my parents, but it still didn’t quite make sense. How does saying that it all just started by some unknown force make more sense than looking for research and figuring out scientifically exactly what happened on a biological level?

Michael Shermer goes more in detail on this. He rewrites the beginning of Genesis with all of the scientific information we now know and it shows how ridiculous it is. He talks about things like bacteria evolving and dinosaur bones and quarks (Shermer 625). We seem to be breaking everything down into smaller and simpler forms. Eventually we will get to the point of where we find such a simple piece of nature that there is nothing smaller and then we find where that piece came from. At least that is what I believe.

Michael Behe talks about Darwin’s theory and tries to plug holes into it. He talks about a mousetrap and how if only one part of it were missing than it would not work as a mousetrap (Behe 595). I suppose this is an analogy to how if one part of a function wasn’t there than it would not be able to perform that function. This is the main point behind intelligent design.

Robert Dorit talks about Behe’s work and says that it’s the same thing that people have been arguing for the entire time. “There cannot be a design without a designer (Dorit 601).” He continues to talk about mousetrap analogy and comes up with “six fallacies”. The first fallacy asks why does the level of structure matter? Behe admits that Darwin’s theory makes sense on levels of biology that we can see. Behe also says that the final use of an object is the use it was created for which we know isn’t true. There are proteins that do work in some areas of the body that start doing completely different jobs (Dorit 602). He continues to find holes in Behe’s work.

This video talks about Intelligent Design and how they aren’t coming up with any tests to prove their argument. They are just trying to push their untested theory through politics and public relations to get it taught in schools (Miller). This is my problem with it. There is no proof.

Works Cited
Behe, Michael. “Darwin’s Black Box.” In Darwin. 3rd ed. Philip Appleman, ed. New York: W.W.Norton,
Dorit, Robert. “Review of Behe” in Darwin. 3rd ed. Philip Appleman, ed. New York: W.W.Norton, 2001.
Miller, Ken. "YouTube - Difference between Science and Intelligent Design(Creation)." YouTube. 15 Mar.
2007. 30 Nov. 2009
Shermer, Michael. “Genesis Revisited: A Scientific Creation Story.” in Darwin. 3rd ed. Philip Appleman,
ed. New York: W.W.Norton, 2001.

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