Thursday, December 3, 2009

Darwin Revelation

We witness today more than ever the natural selection of social status. Our society revolves around our class status the same way that Darwin discovered that a female finch chooses which male finch to mate with based on the size, appearance and survival skills of the finch. Social status is similar to Darwin's idea of natural slection because we still base our opinions on beauty and class.
Compared with Darwin's idea of natural selection, we still judge one another based on our success and our status in life. Social status and class are important today since it is known that the class you are born into, either lower class, lower-middle, middle class, upper-middle class or upper class, is typically the class that you will remain in. "Natural selection is the process by which heritable traits that make it more likely for an organism to survive and successfully reproduce become more common in a population over successive generations. It is a key mechanism of evolution" (Natural Selection). These different social standards that we are born into segregate our world by income levels, which prevents some from moving up in the world the way that a finch with a smaller beak has a more difficult time attracting a female finch to mate with.
Most people are middle class, making somewhere between fifty thousand and seventy-five thousand annually in the United States. Our government runs the United States, so that we are born into natural selection not only by our appearance and ability to attract another to reproduce with, but also through our income levels because it is common that the class that you are born into is the class you remain in. People who are born into a wealthy family are given oppertunities that people who are born into the lower income class are not given. They have security that the government protects by lowering the taxes for the wealthy and raising them for the middle class, which doesn't make sense and is the reason for why people have a difficult time becoming a part of a higher income level class.
Darwin's theory of natural selection will always have an impact on our society because it is never going to disappear form our world. All species are going to have a certain "type" that is more common and popular and has more of a chance surviving than others in the same species. In humans we don't only see it through our physical appearance, but also with success and where we are placed within the set class status of the United States.

"Natural Selection." 4 Dec. 2009.