Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Diesel Exhaust Is Linked To Cancer Development Via New Blood Vessel Growth

Along with what seems like everything else in the world today, Science Daily reveals how exposure to diesel fumes is now linked to being a cancer causing agent. New research provides awareness to society on how diesel exhaust fumes can cause cancer because inhaled diesel particles less than 0.1 microns in diameter can enter the human circulatory system, organs and tissues, which means that these inhaled particles can cause damage to almost anywhere in the body. "'The message from our study is that exposure to diesel exhaust for just a short time period of two months could give even normal tissue the potential to develop a tumor,' said Qinghua Sun, senior author of the study and an assistant professor of environmental health sciences at Ohio State University."
This study provides us with new reasons for why society needs to begin to rethink the affect of our actions on not only our environment around us, but also on our own health. Science has now enabled us to become a better society since we are able to research the pros and cons of new inventions and ideas that are created every day. Instead of ignoring the negatives and dangers that we are causing by continusously using products and services that are harmful, we should act on changing the ways of how we are living our lives.

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